Thursday, September 27, 2012

Point of Origin

The Devil is in the details.

Lilith has no canon.  She has no official iconography, mythology, back story or religion.  Over analyze her and the details fall apart.  Lilith has associations, scattershots of a legacy reaching as far back as the Sumerians.  She is similiar to Tiamat, Nammu, Lammashtu and Bellit-Illi, local spirits of child birth, sex and murder.  She is supposedly the wind spirit Lilitu or a handmaiden of Innana.  She is also the ex-wife of Adam in Judeo-Christian mythology, the Queen of Demons.  In Islam she is related to several Djiin.  She is viewed as a goddess by Women's Liberation movements, Wicca and Neo-Paganism.  Psychologists say she is part of the Dark Feminine.  She is also known as the Queen of Witches, Sheba and the Black Madonna.  Try to unravel the sequence and you're back at zero.

The purpose of this blog isn't to contrive or bind Lilith's many stories.  This a place of reference, an ongoing project to collect Lilith's legends.  We'll also explore her many parallels in myth, religion, literature and popular culture, twice weekly beginning on Thursdays and Sundays.  I hope you enjoy this journey and feel free to share any resources, insight or opinions along the way.  Please subscribe and share!

FM 2012

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